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更新时间:2025-03-24 22:20:39
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star sign在线翻译

1. The weekly forecast also lists lucky colors for each star sign and warns people to take precautions to ward off possible risks.

2. MADRID - FC Barcelona star Leo Messi said on Friday that he would never sign for his club's bitterest rivals Real Madrid.

3. The'Alfie'star recently admitted he thought he was " insane " to sign up to the movie.

4. The Tomb Raider star signed on with CAA last March, and is not expected to sign up with another agency.

5. The sides will sign an agreement on the " Future Star " program, which aims to provide young Chinese players with opportunities to play overseas.

6. But a whopping 55 percent named " Transformers " star Megan Fox the " summer's sexiest babe, " a sign of her rising appeal.

1. star sign

1. Abramovich, the richest Russian and the second-richest British resident, brought Mourinho to the Premiership after the Portuguese boss won the Champions League with Porto, and gave him an open chequebook to sign star players.

2. If a star gets brighter and fainter over time, this could be a sign of an orbiting planet.

3. In western culture, some people believe that people under the same star sign share similar characteristics.

4. star sign的翻译

4. So does that mean that everyone of a specific star sign are going to have the exact same day?

5. It is written that the star was a sign from God signaling the birth of the Messiah into the world.

6. Today i found that the star sign varied drmatically, i use to be Gemini, now it belongs to taurus.

7. He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR. Teach the Children that the star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Savior for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of that promise.

8. star sign的解释

8. Unique gold-plated dangling earrings with clear Flatback crystal, removable dollar sign charm set with clear crystals and star charm set in Astral Copper crystals.

9. After Best Western Zhenjiang International Hotel is honored to an accredited 5-star hotel, we should adjust rack rates and sign the corporate agreement again according to the new price policy of our hote

10. star sign什么意思

10. Usher isn't taking inspiration from his latest track Papers - the star is reportedly stalling his divorce from Tameka Foster by failing to sign official documents.
usher并没有从他最新单曲papers里获得任何启发--据报道,这位歌手日前推迟了与Tameka Foster的官方离婚文件的签订

11. From the first step into super chun chun from the first on the stage of dazzling from chun first sing moving tune from chun decided to pursue his dream from chun must insist their determination to fly from chun dream dreams from chun and super from the hotel check-in specified in the days of entertainment media chun chun began to sign contract from notifications company gave solution, she was destined for the entertainment business formally was doomed to lose her, she was destined to have free will, however, corn love'''fans gave her much love makes her a bit flat-footed entering showbiz deprived her of freedom and make her more concentrate on his own music when she and quite crop signing issue when she first album when she began his tour then'''she became a music on a shining star 24 years old, she together and corn created innumerable miracles when corn first glimpse chun is destined to be infected by her charm when first listen to chunchun corn was destined to sing the songs are convinced by her corn fascinated chunchun when everything was doomed to all the fans love chunchun created a miracle in the super arena in corn pet chun chun afraid she has been protected in less damage to the point, corn is contradictory chun every say she is happy, but every time she didn't hear about freedom corn also know, Chris always miss life is always love her?
从春春第一步踏入超女的海选从春春第一次登上耀眼的舞台从春春第一声唱出动人的旋律从春春决定要追逐自己的梦想从春春一定要坚持自己的梦想从春春决心要放飞自己的梦想从春春和超女们入住指定的酒店从春春在天娱传媒的合约上签字从春春开始解公司给的各种通告她就注定要正式踏入娱乐圈她就注定要失去原来的自由她就注定要拥有玉米们的爱然而``` 玉米们给予她太多的爱使她有点措手不及进入娱乐圈剥夺了她的自由也使她更专心于自己的音乐当她和太合麦田签约当她发行第一张专辑当她开始自己的巡演那么``` 她就成为了乐坛上一颗耀眼的星 24岁的她一起和玉米创造了无数的奇迹当玉米第一眼看到春春就注定要被她的魅力所感染当玉米第一次听春春唱歌就注定要被她的歌声所折服当玉米迷上了春春的一切就注定要爱上春春的所有玉米们创造了超女舞台上的奇迹把春春宠上了天玉米一直保护著春春怕她少到一点伤害其实,做玉米也很矛盾春春每次都说她很快乐但每次都没听她提起过自由玉米也知道,春春一直很怀念以前的生活到底是一直爱她?


12. There is no sign of people off, how could sew winter clothes for the good man in the Jour Summer Falling Star in the sigh?

13. star sign的近义词

13. There are 115-star hotels opened and 6 high star hotel preparing now. NCTG plan to open 5 and sign 5 high-star hotels every year.

14. star sign

14. I already knew that the greatest teacher of our history Confucius` star sign is Libra just like me, and now, it is time to find another three is.

15. She told me If you like my style:come on If you need a ride:come on Compatible Starsign:come on That's what she told me If you like my style:come on If you need a ride:come on Compatible Star sign:come on She told me... It was one of those times way back in the day She was at my door with a smile across her face I said My sister ain't home - she's gone out for a while, She said That's cool with me that's the reason I came by.
她告诉我如果你喜欢我的风格:来如果你需要一坐:来兼容starsign :来说的是什么,她告诉我如果你喜欢我的风格:来如果你需要一坐:来兼容星座:来她告诉我……这是一个时代的方式,早在20天她在我的门,面带微笑地跨越脸我说,姐姐不在家,她出去了一会儿,她说的酷,我就是这个原因,我来到。


16. Can you distinguish the pound sign and star sign on the phone?


17. You could be mine, baby, what's your star sign?

18. Yeah, well, what is your star sign?

19. What's your star sign?

20. star sign的翻译

20. The time of year in which you were born decides your star sign.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Thee Western star sign system is based on the month you were born in.(你所属的生肖是由你出生的年份决定的,而你出生的月份决定了你的星座。翆。)
What does his star sign tell him for today?(Eddie的星座告诉它今天的运势如何?)
In western culture, some people believe that people under the same star sign share similar characteristics.(在西方文化中,有些人相信同一星座的人性格特征相似。)
My star sign is Cancer.(我的星座是巨蟹座。)
Your date of birth decides your star sign.(你的出生日期决定了你的星座。)
Do you believe in the star sign?(你相信星座的说法吗?)
What's your star sign?(你是哪个星座的?)
You could be mine baby what's your star sign?(你可以成为我的宝贝你是什么星座的呢?)
Then I can se what star sign you are.(那样我就能看看你们是什么星座了。)
Hi! I am Teacher Lovely and my star sign is Libra.(嗨,我是乐蒂老师,天秤座女生。)
star sign是什么意思 star sign在线翻译 star sign什么意思 star sign的意思 star sign的翻译 star sign的解释 star sign的发音 star sign的同义词